Spanish-English Bilingual Daycare and Preschool Bilingual Nest is now Accepting Enrollment


Why Should Children Begin Learning French Early?

It is best to begin teaching your children foreign languages, such as French, when they are young. French for children is an excellent way to introduce children to the culture and beauty of France. Because it is the world's fifth most widely spoken...

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Why Children Develop Better with Friends

Children's first years of school are some of the most pivotal years of their lives. They will meet new people who will influence their behavior, beliefs, and attitude as they grow. Making friends is extremely important for children. Friendships...

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Parent Tips: Ways to Communicate With Your Kids

Communicating with your child comes in many forms. Everything conveys messages, from your facial expression to the tone of your voice. Your way of communicating with them forms a foundation for how they interact with others. How can you help them...

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Simple Ways to Improve Your Child’s Vocabulary

There are several ways and scenarios to integrate vocabulary development into your kids’ daily activities and routines. Whether spending quality time or you’re on your way to their preschool in Harlem, you can teach them new words. Check out...

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Spending Time with Your Children

One of the ways that you can accelerate the development of your child is to bond and spend time with them. This is because children are able to learn much faster when they watch and copy that the people close to them. So don’t hesitate to spend...

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Unlocking Your Child’s Potential

For many parents, the ability to unlock their child’s potential is one of the most important things to have when choosing a place of education. For this reason, it is necessary to take a look at the different programs that a school has to offer...

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